A GPS for Tango Listening: What Makes a Tango a Tango?
To get where you’re going in Argentine Tango, it helps to know where you’re coming from. Dialogue with Heyni Solera as she brings her sense of adventure and scholarship to explore what makes Argentine tango the genre that it is, how it has developed to present day and where it can take us in the future.
A GPS for Tango Listening Lecture Series Goals and Objectives:
- Learn the musical components of Tango
- Actively engage with music of the past, present and future
- Apply active engagement and musical components to inspire the dance
A four-part series with interactive elements. Each part is two hours long.
Tech Needs:
Projector that attaches to laptop with HDMI cable
The series is meant for a group of 5-10 people. $20 per person per part or $60 for the entire lecture series. Available for tango organizations and private groups.
Previous Presentations:
Jan 16-17, 2021: TangoSpheres’s Roads to Inspiration Symposium Part 2
Oct 31-Nov 1, 2020: TangoSpheres’s Roads to Inspiration Symposium Part 1
For Booking
Heyni Solera
(301) 213-6547

Today’s Women in Tango: Carving Out Spaces
For the past six years, Argentina has seen the feminist movement increase in drive and power. In 2015, the movement “Ni Una Menos” mobilized women to form collectives and to fight for their rights. Several important pieces of legislation have passed as a result of this movement, such as the “Ley De Ocupo” and the legalization of abortion. Tango music has also been influenced by this movement as more female tango musicians begin to form all-women ensembles, take on positions of leadership, engage with social change through protest and academic research, etc. Using an ethnomusicological approach, this lecture focuses on 14 different female, tango musicians to shed some insight on how today’s women in tango position themselves during this time period, and how they are carving out for themselves a space in a historically male-dominated genre.
1 hour lecture, 15 minute Q&A
Tech Needs:
Projector that attaches to laptop with HDMI cable
Fee: $150
Previous Presentations:
4/12/21: Towson University
11/25/21: University of Maryland
11/15/21: York University
11/9/21: St. Mary’s College of Notre Dame
7/25/21: Philadelphia Argentine Tango School
Future Presentations:
7/24/22: Dome Milonga, San Francisco, CA
For Booking
Heyni Solera
(301) 213-6547